Water Element
Welcome to your water element practices!
Water element practices focus on toning the central nervous system, vagus nerve, kidneys, adrenals, psoas, and the entire backline of the body. They are related to the bladder and kidney meridians of five-element theory that is foundational in Acupuncture.
This intention and focus in attention in the water element practices specify and increase the benefits you receive from them, helping you to:
Release fear, anxiety, nervousness, stress, and tension in your physical, mental, and emotional bodies — deepening your trust, confidence, and sense of safety within yourself, your relationships, and the actions you take in the world.
How to Optimize Your Water Practices
1. It’s optimal to commit to the meditation, yoga practice, and/or EFT session — whichever most resonates with you — as a daily practice. This way you’ll feel more benefit, not just within and directly after the practice (because that is sure to happen) but for long-term benefit that lasts.
If you feel like a different practice one day, then opt for another to suit your energy level and mood — while doing your absolute best to practice every-single-day for a transformative experience. Be mindful if mixing it up costs you on consistent daily practice!
2. Optimize Your Diet: Use dietary guidelines to wean off from consumption patterns that specifically imbalance the water element. Meanwhile, enjoy foods and herbs that support it.
3. Learn more about the metal element and earth element at the links to ensure that you are balanced in both — the water element relies on a strong foundation of both metal and earth. If you are imbalanced with metal or earth, couple the water practices with either or both to ensure optimal benefit.
4. You can also utilize this 90-minute Water Element Yoga practice that is supported with metal and earth elements.
See you in your water-focused practices,
Let’s begin.
Water Element EFT-Tapping
If you’re new to the EFT-tapping practice or unfamiliar with the EFT-tapping points, watch this short video to learn the tapping points, their individual benefits, and how you can utilize them at anytime you’re in need.
Take a seat in a comfortable position, and let yourself settle in for your water element EFT practice.
Water Element Meditation
Optional Yin Posture for Meditation: Legs Against the Wall
Viparita Karani, legs up the wall pose, is optional to rest into during your guided water element meditation. Watch the brief video below for an easy transition into and out of this posture if you’re unfamiliar with this posture.
Modifications for this pose:
If your hamstrings are tight, you can lie with more distance between the wall and your legs. If your back is tight, doing this without a cushion beneath the lower back may feel better. You can also use a cushion under your head or neck if you feel any tension in your neck while lying down.
Whatever your set-up, it should feel really, really good!

Ten minutes of meditation in this posture equals one hour of deep sleep! It also:
- Detoxifies the blood while reducing varicose veins and swelling in the lower body
- Reduces stress, fatigue, exhaustion, anxiety, depression, and insomnia
- Alleviates mild backache, menstrual cramps, and menopause symptoms
- Provides migraine and headache relief and improves ear and eye ailments
Now choose to lie with your legs against the wall or however is most comfortable for your meditation.
Water Element Yoga
Yang Yoga: Active, Strengthening, Adv. Beginner Up
This concise 15-minute practice is designed for daily use that guides you into savasana, so set aside 20 minutes for this active yoga.
It is designed to open and strengthen and for those who are a bit familiar to the Hatha-Vinyasa yoga practice. If you’re new to yoga, however, feel free to use and improve with practice! As always, be kind and gentle with yourself.
Yin Yoga: Passive, Restorative,
Complete Beginner Up
This Yin Yoga practice is for everyone, from complete beginners to advanced practitioners. Utilize this practice as regularly as possible, especially if you are particularly stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, fatigued, or exhausted!
You can show up for this 30-minute practice as preparation for sleep, or for a calm addition anytime to your day. We practice some self-massage and slow opening to get into the connective tissues and create deep restoration for body and mind.
Water Element Nutrition & Herbs
Incorporate any of the dietary and herbal guidelines provided here to complete incorporation of water element medicine into your lifestyle.
Please Respect Privacy
I started my meditation practice in 2000, my yoga practice in 2001, holistic health coaching in 2004, and started teaching movement in 2008. I’ve been working with five-element theory since 2016.
I’ve put heart and soul (and lots of time and energy) into creating and sharing these practices with you, so please and por favor, if you wish to share these practices with anyone, send them here so they can support my dedication to my work and service to you.
Thank you for your support and respect of privacy!
Enjoy & Thank YOU!
If you have questions or comments, please connect with me at contact@jyllin.com or on Facebook.
Thanks so much for being here with me, and enjoy your water element exploration!