Release anger, irritability, impatience, and frustration so you can flexibly move through creative plans and decisive actions aligned with your soul's purpose.
In case you missed everything you need to know about the wood element, including more detailed descriptions of the Wood Element origins or the Yin & Yang Yoga, EFT-Tapping, or meditation — and if they're appropriate for you — (re)visit this page.
The Wood Element Package Includes:
♥︎ Meditation with Optional Yin Posture: The guided meditation activates the lymphatic and parasympathetic nervous systems and tones the vagus nerve to detoxify and clarify the body and mind and improve digestion. It ends with affirmations that support the wood element. It is optional to do the meditation in a deeply restorative and detoxifying yin yoga posture. This is guided in a brief video separate from the meditation.
♥︎ Yin Yoga Practice: This Yin Yoga practice is for everyone, from complete beginners to advanced practitioners. Utilize this practice as regularly as possible, especially if you are feeling stagnant, tired, or uninspired! You can show up for this 30-minute practice as preparation for sleep, or for a calm addition anytime to your day. We practice supported, slow opening to get into the connective tissues of the liver and gallbladder channels to create deep restoration for body and mind.
♥︎ Yang Yoga Practice: This is a concise 15-minute practice designed for daily use that guides you into savasana, so set aside 20 minutes for this active yoga. Wood Yang Yoga tones the inner thighs, inner and outer hips, shoulders, neck, and the entire outside line of the body. It's for those who are a bit familiar to the Hatha-Vinyasa yoga practice. If you’re new to yoga, however, feel free to use and improve with practice!
♥︎ EFT-Tapping Instruction: If you’re new to the EFT-tapping practice or unfamiliar with the EFT-tapping points, watch this short video to learn the tapping points, their individual benefits, and how you can utilize them at anytime you’re in need.
♥︎ EFT-Tapping Session: The EFT practice provided here is made to release anger and resentment by equipping you with heightened communication skills that are built on trust and confidence in your intrinsic compassion — so you speak more honestly with kindness and respect, even in disagreement.
♥︎ Herbal & Nutritional Guide: This guide provides foundational dietary and herbal considerations for wood element imbalances based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Macrobiotics, and holistic nutrition. It supports anyone with wood element imbalances and for anyone through spring months and when developing a detoxified lifestyle.
How to Experience Wood-Element HL Transformation:
1. Choose your favorite wood practice and commit to practicing it every-single-day — so you build 5-element holistic lifestyle *habits.* Daily practice is fundamental for long-lasting change and benefit! Which is why HL practices are super targeted in intention AND super concise in time length. (The shorter, the easier to show up for every-single-day!) You can opt for another wood practice one day or use multiple practices on others when you feel it. Be mindful if mixing it up costs you on consistency. The point is every-single-day practice!
2. Use dietary guidelines to wean off from consumption patterns that specifically imbalance the wood element. Meanwhile, enjoy foods and herbs that support it.
How to Experience 5-Element HL Transformation:
As you practice Wood Element Holistic Liberation, you'll discover that there are other elemental imbalances that require your love and attention. The deeper you journey 5-element lifestyle medicine, the more you'll want to practice all five elements.
Because we move through the five phases each day and each year — and desire strength and balance throughout our entire bodymind and life — incorporating all five elements into your holistic healthcare is more than highly recommended. You also receive exclusive bonus practices available only through 5-Element Holistic Liberation.
Equipped with all of these practices and the info I provide, you're well on your way! If you're incredible at showing up for yourself every-single-day with new practices and releasing old habits that no longer serve you WHILE optimizing five-element medicine to suit your individual needs, enjoy your DIY journey!
How to Receive HL Guidance & Support:
If you're like most modern women living in the modern world and do better with guidance and support — and accountability in showing up every day and every week, month after month — schedule a clarity call to ensure transformation through your holistic liberation journey!
How to Purchase Wood-Element HL:
Step #1: Purchase with any major credit or debit card.
Step #2: On the following screen, enter your name and email address.
Step #3: Receive access to wood practices in your inbox.
If you have any questions, or you want to share about your experience with the practices, be in touch at contact@jyllin.com.
See you in your wood-focused practices,