Five Element Yoga

with Jyllin

5-Element Yoga is highly intentional 90-minute Hatha-Vinyasa & Yin Yang Yoga for intermediate to advanced yoga practitioners.
Each practice differs from the next in rhythm and flow, posture utilization, bodymind insights, and reflection of Yin and Yang qualities of the primary and directly supportive elements — wood & fire are more yang, metal & water more yin, earth completely rounded out.
If you’re a yoga practitioner looking to uplevel your home practice with strong and super specific 5-element yoga, practicing all five elements is more than highly recommended — together the five practices compliment and complete each other.
The practices are also available separately below so you can start with one or two elements in which you’re most imbalanced — discover which elements need your most attention here.



Supported by Metal & Earth

For in-depth description of water element body-mind, emotional, and lifestyle balance and imbalances — and how water element focus can benefit you — (re)visit this page.

Water Yin Yang Yoga takes you on a journey into deep restoration by strengthening your kidneys and opening your entire backline — from the bottom of your feet all the way through the back of your legs, your back and spine, neck, scalp, into your forehead — emptying stress and fear from your nervous system.

Because water is supported by metal and earth, you’ll explore possibilities in your breath and the relationship between your front and back body — creating a sense of safety in your body with a quiet mind — so you can rest into your essence and intuition for more clarity and courage.


Supported by Water & Earth

For in-depth description of wood element body-mind, emotional, and lifestyle balance and imbalances — and how wood element focus can benefit you — (re)visit this page.

Wood element yoga addresses the liver and gallbladder meridians by activating and opening through the neck, shoulders, inner and outer hips, inner thighs, and the entire outside line of the body. This focus helps you to release toxicity, anger, irritability, impatience, and frustration by clarifying and detoxifying your body-mind.

This Hatha-Vinyasa practice warms-up with Qigong and lymphatic drainage movements, and Wood Yoga is balanced with water-focus to soothe the nervous system and earth-focused grounding to feel strong, centered and deeply present.

Being a working mom of an 18 month old, there is a lot going on in my life between balancing the days I spend with my son being mindfully present and taking it slow, discovering the world anew, and the days at work being super efficient, organised – and stressed.

When I find time for my yoga practice, I have a hard time slowing down and letting go, yet Jyllin’s wood element practice helps me to arrive on the mat and warm up my body with movement and breath. I love how it stretches the outer lines of my body. Focusing on the hips is challenging for me and breathing through the discomfort is hard, but after focused releasing, combined with the closing postures, I feel grounded and calm.

This is why I feel this practice is impactful and designed to repeat regularly – and is why I can highly recommend it for advanced yogis and yoginis.

Jasmin Altahan

Certified Yoga Teacher


Supported by Wood & Earth

For in-depth description of fire element body-mind, emotional, and lifestyle balance and imbalances — and how fire element focus can benefit you — (re)visit this page.

This 90-minute fire element Hatha-Vinyasa practice activates and opens the fire-element channels running through the upper back, shoulders, arms, hands, and diaphragm, helping you to mindfully expand your heart and cultivate more joy and love.

Because the fire element is directly supported by wood and earth, the fire yoga practice grounds you into the core of your body and earth channels to quiet mental overactivity — that often accompanies fire imbalances — while releasing wood-related tension, anger, or irritation that can build from emotional stress. 


Supported by All Elements

For in-depth description of earth element body-mind, emotional, and lifestyle balance and imbalances — and how earth element focus can benefit you — (re)visit this page.

Earth Yin Yang Yoga guides you through all of the elements while specifically rooting them into the earth element — grounding you in profound presence with a quiet mind and strong body free from cravings or lack.

You’ll empty out your nervous system, open the entire front, back, and sidelines of your body, soften and expand through your lungs and heart, balance your hormonal system, and strengthen all organs to stabilize you through transitions day to day, season to season, and in relationship with others and your own bodymind.


Supported by Fire & Earth

For in-depth description of metal element body-mind, emotional, and lifestyle balance and imbalances — and how metal element focus can benefit you — (re)visit this page.

This 90-minute Yin Yang Yoga practice activates and opens the entire ribcage and lung and colon channels through the chest, shoulders, abdomen and arms. Guided through conscious breathing into full span of the lungs, you’ll increase lung capacity through these metal-focused Hatha and Yin postures.

Because the metal element is directly supported by the fire and earth elements, the metal yoga practice also grounds you into earth channels to quiet your mind — so you can let go of holding onto the past in your bodymind while intentionally creating space for new possibilities in your heart, lungs… and life. 


Full Practice of the Five Phases

Because we move through the five phases each day and each year — and desire strength and balance throughout our entire bodymind and life — incorporating all five practices into your holistic healthcare is more than highly recommended.

The 5-element Yoga practices compliment and complete each other and when purchased together, come with a 10% discount.

5-Element Yoga is designed to compliment and complete 5-Element Holistic Liberation available here.


Each 5-Element Holistic Liberation package includes concise and precise EFT-tapping, Yin & Yang Yoga, guided meditation, and a practical herb and nutrition guide. Designed for daily use and life’s challenges (including time and energy) for modern women living in the modern world.


See you in your five-element practices,
